The Crewdom Wikia


On on April 8th 2013, In the fourth episode of Minecraft Mapstravaganza Rage and Hollow were exploring an airbase map that was submitted by noblekaleb. As they were exploring they noticed the severe lack of interior design of the airbase, each time they entered a room of the base they would give that room the shittiest room award. Meaning that that room is the worst room or the map or in some cases, just the worst room ever. The first ever room to be given this metaphorical award of shittiness was an observatory-like room. Rage and Hollow continued to use this term to describe or criticize rooms with no interior in episodes of Mapstrav. It is more prominently used in the earlier few seasons but still comes up every now and then.

Fandom Involvment[]

Over the course of time that Mapstrav has been going on, there have been many other shittiest room awards given out. Some map makers would put buttons in the intro room that would teleport Rage and Hollow to the map makers 'Entry' for the shittiest room award. People began making purposefully bad or plain rooms with signs in them that just said 'Shittiest Room Award' as a joke or as an excuse to not have to do interiors. Interiors have always been an important part of Mapstrav and minecraft building in general, they make a town, city or house feel more practical and functional and give the players something to look at if they actually go inside the building. Some builders go all out and design complex realistic looking furniture in their maps but other builders are lazy and leave the insides bare which is the reason for Rage and Hollow's 'Shittiest Room Award'.
